Las artes y las ciencias. Una historia de encuentros y desencuentros

The Arts and the Sciences. A Story of Encounters and Disagreements

An essay that reflects, rescuing personalities from different historical periods, on the richness that is obtained by uniting the arts with the sciences when it comes to thinking about the current cultural world.

A dry leaf falls from a tree…
A child points at it and follows it with his finger, as if conducting an orchestra.
A young girl gets carried away by the movement of the leaf and composes a poem.
A man passes by and wonders about the tree’s health, for he knows it’s a species that does not lose its foliage.

What are the reasons that separate the arts from the sciences? Why do many people find it impossible to think of them together? How do they complement each other? The pages of this book invite us to reflect on the crossovers between the sciences and the arts by revisiting figures from the past in the face of the cultural challenges of the future.

Key points

• An unusual approach, which is not yet present in the world of non-fiction aimed at children and young adults.
• From a renowned author who has received multiple awards for her scientific and literary works.

Paula Bombara

2024 – Konex Foundation, Career Achievement Award, Youth Literature Category
2023, 2013 – IBBY Argentina, Grand Prize Best Book of the Year
2022-2014 – Five times winner of Cuatrogatos Foundation Award
2022-2017 – IBBY México, 4 times selected among the best young adult novels of the year
2017 – Banco del Libro de Venezuela, Endearing Novel Mention
2016, 2006 – The White Ravens List


2023 – Ilustra Amanuta Contest Mention

  • Author: Paula Bombara
  • Illustrator: RoMa
  • Publisher: Eudeba
  • Collection: Want to know?
  • Year: 2024
  • Pages: 48
  • Size: 20 x 20 cm
  • Sold In: Spanish (WORLD)
  • ISBN: 9789502334523
  • Category: Infantil
  • Type : Informative book, Illustrated book, Collections, Essay
  • Genre : Non Fiction
  • Binding : Hardcover
Las artes y las ciencias. Una historia de encuentros y desencuentros
Las artes y las ciencias. Una historia de encuentros y desencuentros
Las artes y las ciencias. Una historia de encuentros y desencuentros
Las artes y las ciencias. Una historia de encuentros y desencuentros
Las artes y las ciencias. Una historia de encuentros y desencuentros
Las artes y las ciencias. Una historia de encuentros y desencuentros
Las artes y las ciencias. Una historia de encuentros y desencuentros
Las artes y las ciencias. Una historia de encuentros y desencuentros

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